Bright Ideas Savory Strategies for Your
Marketing Munchies

How an Agency Can Elevate Your Food Brand’s Market Presence

In today’s dynamic and fiercely competitive food industry, capturing consumer attention and distinguishing your brand from the crowd is more challenging than ever. With shifting trends, growing consumer demands, and the rapid evolution of digital platforms, food ingredient brands must navigate a complex landscape to achieve success. Food ingredient brands in the B2B space are no exception.

Branding storytime: AC Horn

One of our clients, AC Horn, has been manufacturing machines for the food industry for more than 100 years. Their brand – logo, identity, look and feel – and their website needed an update that would appeal to modern buyers.

Navigating Today’s B2B Food Media Landscape

It wasn’t that long ago when the majority of media buying was print advertising in trade publications. Then it expanded to digital and print advertising, but for the most part, it was again confined to the trade publication landscape. Today, we have the added dimensions of social media advertising, search advertising and programmatic advertising with drip campaigns and retargeting. The dizzying array of options is, admittedly, somewhat intimidating. The key to making sense of it all is akin to the old joke that poses the question, “how do you eat an elephant?” The answer is – one bite at a time.

QLC Spotlight with Chef Pat Alberto

Welcome to QLC’s first IG Spotlight, where we shine a light on an expert in the industry to bring you a new perspective to inform your marketing strategy.